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How Bullying is Effecting Our Communities

Bullying has become an epidemic across this country...

It has gotten even worse post COVID-19. The Dr. Martin Luther King, Content of Character, Essay, Arts and Technology Competition is an annual event to honor Michael Morones and so many other children who have suffered and died at the hands of bullies. It is also an attempt to teach empathy and help children learn the importance of their role in changing the education system in their county. The project encourages them to be civically engaged, advocate and become community leaders. They acquire skills such as higher levels thinking skills, analytical skills, formulating theories, comparison and contrasting, and formulating conclusions. They learn other skills that teach them to be kind, more competent, and more unified as a people. The project is indeed a tribute to Michael Morones and the message he brought to us all through his love for the television show My Little Pony…

Friendship is Magic.

Our Solution 

Wake Collaborative to Stop Bullying and Youth Violence
The MLK Jr. Content of Character, Anti-Bullying and Youth Violence,
Essay, Arts and Technology Competition

The Wake Collaborative to Stop Bullying and Youth Violence (WCTSBYV) is a group of individuals made up of: parents, faith based, nonprofit, large agency leaders, elected officials and business representatives who live in Wake County and work collaboratively to educate the community about the epidemic proportion of bullying and its long term, emotional, and psychological effects on our children and communities.

The collaborative sponsors a yearly event that engages students in recognizing October as anti-bullying month and memorialize students who have died or been victimized by bullying. The program goals are to help students develop compassion and empathy by understanding the role children played during the civil rights era thus understanding their power to make change in the world.

MLK Jr. Content of Character, Essay Arts and Technology Competition ages 12-18

Program Goals and Objectives:

• Provide a twelve week summer enrichment project teaching history from topics of the Children’s Crusade, Martin Luther King’s, Content of Character and his non-violent philosophy. Youth will engage in deep conversation to develop comprehension and analytical skills such as drawing conclusions, logical reasoning, critical thinking, and communication. They will compare and contrast bullying in the civil rights era to bullying today, understanding how bullying causes intergenerational trauma and can negatively affect individuals families and the larger society. The project will provide youth an opportunity to showcase their lessons learned through their participating in a community wide essay, arts and technology competition to earn cash prizes.

Being Kind Anti-Bullying Project ages 5-11

Students will be able to define bullying and have an opportunity to talk about times when they felt bullied. They will promote kindness as the solution to bullying through a community challenge. Students will learn a song written and produced by Nimo Patel’s entitled, Being Kind from his album Empty Hands. Nimo Patel who is from India will be invited to visit in October and perform the song with the children.

MLK Content of Character Anti-Bullying Project:
I Have Been Bullied

The Tragic Consequences of Bullying: A Tribute to Michael Morones

MLK Content of Character Anti-Bullying Project: Children Singing Being Kind
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